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Year 2



Please click here to view the Curriculum meeting powerpoint for your class. 

Have a look at the Curriculum overview below to see what we'll be learning this term. 

Coverage Autumn TermCoverage Spring Term Coverage Summer Term 

Click here to find your homework for this term.

In maths children will be assessed against criteria based upon age related expectations. Please find below the age related expectations for a child in Year 2. For more information click here.

The Year 2 Learner - Maths

The Year 2 Reader

The Year 2 Writer

Spelling Expectations: Year 2 Common Exception Words

Florence Nightingale Day

Today the children took part in a variety of activities around nursing and in particular Florence Nightingale. They enjoyed making new medicines, lamps, giving first aid, making healthy food, stethoscope, nurse hats, mental wellbeing art and Florence Nightingale leaflets. They all had a lovely day!


Making medicine 3Healthy food 2


Please take a look at the gallery for more photos.

Year 2 Blog Autumn term 2023

Welcome to the Year 2 Autumn blog!

Please click here to see our homework grid for this term. 

Please see our facebook page for more school news. 

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Today year 2 Sprite class had our class assembly in which we shared with our parents and carers everything we have learnt this term in our history topic about remembrance and World War One.

We gave them some information about the background of Remembrance Day and when it started. We showed the wreaths that we had made as a class and some sketches that we had done of the Goffs Oak memorial. We sang a song called Down by the Riverside all about the Great War and we shared a poem called in Flanders fields by John McCrae.

The children were very proud of the work they have done and were really happy and excited to share that with their adults.

Year 2 Blog - Spring term 2024

Welcome to our Spring blog. 

This term in Year 2, we have been engaged in a wide range of exciting activities!

In Science, we embarked on a fascinating journey exploring the properties of different materials. Our focus was on their suitability for creating a pirate patch and fixing a pirate ship. By conducting experiments and investigations, we discovered which materials were flexible, durable, and water-resistant. The children thoroughly enjoyed getting their hands dirty while learning about the importance of material selection.

In Design and Technology, our imaginations soared as we delved into the world of vehicles. We examined various objects that have wheels, examining the purpose of axles and wheels in their functionality. The highlight of this project was when we asked the children to design and construct their own vehicles, integrating the knowledge they had acquired. Creativity and problem-solving skills were put to the test!

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Stepping back in time, we immersed ourselves in history, exploring how communication has transformed over the years. From ancient forms of communication to modern-day methods, the children learnt about Morse code, telegrams, and telephones. This led to a captivating discussion around whether Alexander Graham Bell truly invented the telephone. Curiosity, critical thinking, and debate were in full swing!

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In computing, we dived into the world of algorithms and logical thinking. Using our trusty Bee-Bots, we explored how to move them efficiently, finding the best routes and making adjustments by debugging any encountered problems.

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Our PSHE lessons were rooted in nurturing dreams. The children were encouraged to set term-long goals, envisioning their personal "garden of dreams." Whether it was writing a song or achieving the splits, they developed strategies to break down their aspirations into achievable steps. Reflection, resilience, and self-motivation were key themes throughout.

Next Stop On Market Street was the book that sparked our imaginations during English reading sessions. Inspired by CJ and Nana's journey on a bus towards the soup kitchen, the children embarked on their own diary-writing adventure. They eloquently expressed their thoughts, feelings, and observations, improving both their writing skills and their ability to empathise with others.

Apart from these enriching activities, Year 2 also participated in Number Day and celebrated Children's Mental Health Week. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn continue to brighten our days, and we eagerly anticipate the upcoming term's adventures and challenges.

Keep up the amazing work, Year 2! Check out our gallery for more photos!


Children's Mental Health Week 

This week during Children's Mental Health Week Elf and Sprite class have been involved in a range of engaging activities that promoted emotional well-being and self-expression. 

On Wednesday, the children immersed themselves in the world of dance. Throughout the day, they let loose, grooving to different rhythms and exploring various dance styles giving them the chance to express themselves.  

Another activity that fostered communication skills was creating a telephone out of cups. The children worked together, learning about the importance of effective communication and how listening attentively can lead to clearer understanding and stronger connections. 

As the theme this year was ‘Our Voice matters’ we encouraged the children to contemplate what truly matters to them. Through discussions and reflective exercises, they explored their values, interests, and aspirations. This allowed them to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their personal identity. 

Art played a significant role in helping the children express their emotions. They engaged in various forms of artistic expression, such as painting, drawing, and collage-making. These creative outlets allowed them to externalise and process their feelings in a safe and supportive environment. 

Storytelling and yoga were also incorporated into our day. By listening to stories, the children not only enjoyed the magic of storytelling but also learnt valuable life lessons and gained insight into different perspectives. Taking part in yoga sessions helped them develop mindfulness and relaxation techniques, promoting a sense of calmness and inner peace. Please check out our gallery for more photos!

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On Tuesday 5th March and Monday 11th March, Sprite and Elf class visited St Mary's Church as part of their RE lessons. The reverend Eugene taught the children about the church and told them stories about the history of the Church and how the church works. 

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Elf class have been making chairs this week. They have been looking at how to strengthen paper and used these techniques to build their own chairs for baby bear. 

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Year 2 Blog - Summer term 2024

Welcome to our Summer blog!

It's been a super exciting time in Year 2 recently. In science, we've been turning into little botanists and growing our own bean plants. It's been great watching to see which part grows first! We've also been doing an experiment to figure out what makes plants grow the best. The children have been learning about Jane Colden and became a botanist for the afternoon, observing plants around the school. They have also been growing their own beans in green houses, so they could observe which part grew first. 

Looking at plants like a botanist

Observing plants like a botonist

Observing plants

Beans growing a green house

Beans growing in a green house

In art we've been looking at the artworks of Jackson Pollock and Juliana Do. Inspired by them, we've been busy creating our own amazing art pieces.

In History, we've been diving into how hospitals and healthcare have changed throughout time. It was pretty eye-opening to see how yucky and uncomfortable hospitals used to be! The children did their own research to find out about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, two incredible ladies who helped shape healthcare.

In music, we've been listening to songs about friendships. We've learnt a great song all about friendship and have been having a blast playing instruments along to it.

The children were thinking about the characters feelings through the story- 'Lost and found' The took a part of the story and wrote what the character might be thinking and used facial expression to show how they would felt at this point.

English 2

English 3



In maths, the children thought about their containers and had to order them, which one they thought would hold the most water (capactiy. They then tested this out and ordered the containers. Some children were shocked to learn that the tallest container doesn't always hold the most water.

Capacity maths

Capacity maths


We’ve had a great Summer term in Year 2.  

We recently went on a local area walk that was a mix of Maths and Geography. We looked at how busy the roads were near our school, using tally charts to collect data. We also explored the physical and human features of the area. 

Walk 2Walk 3 copyWalk 4Walk 5

In Science, we've been diving into animal habitats. We researched larger habitats and even  micro-habitats around the school. The children have also been learning all about food chains.  

Our English topic this term was all about non-fiction writing. They each made a page about their favourite animal to add to a class non-fiction book.  

Art week was amazing! The children got to craft their very own green man out of clay, complete with leaves. Plus, they created a beautiful floral display outside our classrooms using recycled bottle lids. 

Green man 3 copyArt week 2Art week 3Art week 4 2Green man 2


Geography got them comparing their local area to Kampong Ayer in Asia – it was great to see the different houses, transport, and weather. 

In Design and Technology, the children got crafty making their own souvenirs to remember Year 2 by. They explored different ways of fastening things together and even picked up a great new skill - sewing!  

D and t 1

The children started learning a new language linked to the Euros! Year 2 learnt how to say hello, goodbye, thank you, and please in Croatian and Italian. It's been great exploring new languages and cultures!  

Croatia and italy 2

This term the children also took part in a dance workshop linked to the Olympics. Year 2’s chosen country was America. 

Dance workshop 2