Pupil Support

We are very fortunate to have a full time Pupil Support Worker, Natalie Howard, here at Flamstead End School. The well being of all of our pupils and their families is paramount.  We believe that children are ready to learn when they are happy and settled and have many therapeutic interventions ready when needed.

Mrs Howard is on the KS2 playground every morning and is available at any time for parents to speak to via email admin@flamsteadend.herts.sch.uk or by calling the school on 01992 308888. Families may need assistance for many reasons, such as bereavement or financial difficulties for example. Mrs Howard is able to help signpost families to find the correct help.

In KS2, there is a ‘breakout room’ where Mrs Howard is based, which is cosy and welcoming for our children. Children may visit the breakout room when they are struggling with their emotions at any time. They are welcomed and calmed so that they can continue with their learning either back in the classroom or in the breakout room itself.

Mrs Howard is able to run therapeutic interventions such as ‘Drawing and Talking’ and ‘Lego therapy’ or ‘sand world’. She has been trained to help children manage their anger or anxiety. Mrs Howard has had many years of experience working with families who may need help from time to time and is able to refer to outside agencies if necessary to get the right help for each case. Mrs Howard is trained in Early Help and will manage any issues that families may bring to her.

In KS1, there is a therapy room where our younger children can breakout when they need to. There are sensory activities in there and areas that support self-regulation in order to get our children ready to learn in class.

We ask all of our families to make good use of Mrs Howard, she is a mine of information and is eager to help our community here at Flamstead End School.

School Nursing Newsletter - Summer 2024