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Year 6


Please click here to view the Curriculum meeting powerpoint for your class. 

Have a look at the  overview below to find out about our learning this term. 

Coverage Autumn Term Coverage Spring Term Coverage Summer Term 

KS2 SATs information 

Visit CGP Books for free KS2 SATS resources. 

In maths children will be assessed against criteria based upon age related expectations. Please find below the age related expectations for a child in Year 6. For more information click here.

The Year 6 Learner - Maths

The Year 6 Reader

The Year 6 Writer

Year 6 Common Exception Words


Year 6 Blog Autumn term 2023

Welcome to the Year 6 Autumn blog!

Please click here to see our homework grid for this half term. 

Year 6 have really hit the ground running since returning for the Autumn Term. Our maths lessons have been using a range of resources to help understand Place Value, such as reading numbers, rounding, negative numbers and solving problems.

In English, we have been working tremendously hard to improve our grammar, and are now using those skills towards our first unit, Rose Blanche. This coincides nicely with our History topic of WW2 and our DT topic of shelters where we can explore the events of 1939 to 1945 in more detail.

In Science, the children have been learning about how electricity works and have studied how an electrical circuit is presented. 

Img 2948

Img 2987

Img 2993Year 6 had a lovely day learning about what life was like in Britain during WW2. The day was led by an expert in WW2 history and the children took part in lots of role play scenarios, allowing them to experience first-hand what it would have been like. The children were able to use many artefacts from the WW2 period, learn about money during the period and took part in many more fantastic activities. A brilliant and memorable day that we feel sure they will remember for a long time. Thank you to all the adult helpers who helped make the day so special. 

Y6 Blog - Spring term 2024

!!Welcome to our Spring blog!!

We have hit the ground running in Year 6 since returning to school after the Christmas break! Of course, the children have worked hard in preparation for this year's SATS (in May), working to ensure they are meeting the required standard across all Reading, Writing, SPaG and Maths. 

With our foundation topics - the children have enjoyed learning about our Science topic: Animals, including Humans (specifically the circulatory system); our DT topic: Food On The Go and our brand new History topic: The Golden Age of Islam. Across all lessons, children have engaged in exciting activities where they have worked hard to take their learning further. We enjoyed a morning of practising DT cooking skills, where the children peeled, grated, chopped and sliced an array of vegetables to use as a filling for our spring rolls. In our new-styled History lessons, pupils work weekly on their enquiry skills to study an over-arching  question: What impact dod the Golden Age of Islam of on our world today?

Off curriculum, many of our students worked as part of an effective team to organise and run a cake sale for the NSPCC - where we raised £555! We have also participated in numerous football and netball fixtures too.

We look forward to working up until half term - and then having a deserved rest!

Mr Woodhouse



Year 6 Summer Blog

Welcome to the Year 6 blog - summer edition!


All of the Year 6 family worked incredibly hard to cram in all of the necessary and vital final parts of the curriculum, as well as revise all topics, in preparation to the SATS in May. Our lessons were creative, fun and engaging in the build up to SATS and it must be said that the use of Kahoot! was definitely a highlight!

The children should be incredibly proud of their achievements and we look forward to our results day on July 9th! 

Foundation Subjects

In our History topic of "History is written by the winners" What does this mean? the children have scrutinized the reliability and accuracy of historical sources. We began the topic by enquiring about what history actually is and when it began, ascertaining how the commencement of written records help to give the clearest indication of true events. Further into the topic, the children assessed the accuracy of numerous primary and secondary sources assessing if they could be trusted, or whether there was a sense of propoganda involved!

Is History written by the winners? Double-page spread

Another wonderful example!

In DT, the children have enjoyed the brand-new topic of Steady Hand Games. We began our learning by evaulationg existing games and products to ascertain the skills and materials needed to construct their own. The children went on to making their own prototypes before planning and designing their own unique product!DT Steady Hand Game - Pirate ship plan!

Pirate ship product!

Pick a ball game!

Spinning top game that requires coding!

In Geography, the children answered the enquiry question of: Do we have the power to change the world? We studied the development of pollution through history in London, paying particular attention to how vehicles have developed. We performed a case study between London and San Francisco (however some pupils chose to compare London with another, modern city). We discussed the reasoning behind the movement behind climate change activists and their ambition to improve the world - the childrenc created their own posters which were displayed on the classroom windows.

Pollution poster!

Another great posterYet another poster

Poster number 4!

PE has been an excellent topic this term! The children have thoroughly enjoyed the chaos of tag rugby and dodgeball.

Maths - post SATS

The children have been enjoying a fun topic of designing and operating a theme park. The topic requires a wide set of maths skills and has truly pushed the children with their planning and calculations!

Theme park maths

Looking forward

Straight after the half-term break, Year 6 will be attending PGL Liddington! As well as this, we have decided on a leavers' play that will bring excitement and pandemonium to the stage!