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Ethos and Values


At Flamstead End School we aim to create a caring and happy environment where everyone is valued and respected. We believe that this setting will provide the basis for effective teaching and learning. Our core values are Curiosity, Courage and Compassion and these underpin everything we do at Flamstead End School.

We appreciate that children in our care have individual needs and that they develop at different rates; and aspire to ensure that all children fulfil their potential and become enthusiastic, lifelong learners. All children should feel the same level of success in each lesson.

We aim to help pupils reach their full potential through:-

  • High expectations of commitment to learning and behaviour
  • Equal opportunity for all
  • A supportive pastoral structure
  • Links with parents/carers and the community
  • Carefully planned and appropriate learning; an irresistible curriculum
  • Regular monitoring, evaluation and celebration of progress


Our mission: - Be Compassionate, Be Courageous, Be Curious

Our vision is to create a school community where all our children thrive; are valued and respected; and fulfil their potential. We encourage lifelong learning for the whole community.