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Year 4



Please click here to view the Curriculum meeting powerpoint for your class.

Have a look at the overview below to see what we'll be learning this term. 

Coverage Autumn TermCoverage Spring TermCoverage Summer term

In Maths children will be assessed against criteria based upon age related expectations. Please find below the age related expectations for a child in Year 4. For more information click here.

The Year 4 Learner -  Maths

The Year 4 Reader

The Year 4 Writer

Spelling Expectations: Year 4 Common Exception Words

Year 4 Blog - Spring Term 2023

Welcome to the Year 4 Spring term blog!

Year 4 took part in an electricity workshop last week. They had to create circuits with bulbs and then include a switch. They also carried out an investigation into a range of materials to see which were conductors and which were insulators. We also discussed renewable and non renewable resources for electricity and the children were able to create a circuit with a motor and a propeller and a solar panel. 

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This half term our focus in art is to develop our skills using watercolours. We are drawing inspiration from the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh. We started by experimenting with the water colours and finding out about the artist- we then learned how to create a wash. We developed our water colour use further in the next lesson and experimented with changing tone like Mackintosh does in his watercolour flowers. We did this by adding more water/using a dryer brush, and trying to mix colours with white or black to see what effect that had. We also annotated our work with what we did and how we felt about it. 

Click here to see more photos of our artwork in our gallery. 

This is an example of the final piece which shows a culmination of using watercolour, making different tones using white/black/more water/less water and colour mixing. 

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Year 4 Blog - Summer term 2023

Welcome to the summer term!

Year 4 have been busy recently!

In Art the children have been learning about Indian art and have designed their own patterns to use in printing. They carved their design into a polystyrene tile and rolled printing ink onto it to create a repeated pattern with their tiles. This will lead into a final project piece next week.

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Have a look at some of the finished pieces!

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Img 0855Img 0856In Science  the children have been learning about evaporation and condensation and had a go at using ice and hot water to see these processes happening. 

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Here are some pictures of our recent DT pop up book topic. We made a selection of mechanisms to feature on each page and themed the book around a topic of our own interest.

Y4 DT summer 2023 1Y4 DT summer 2023

Year 4 Blog Autumn term 2023

Welcome to the Year 4 Autumn blog!

Please click here to find the homework grid for this half term. 

Year 4 Blog - Spring term 2024

Welcome to our Spring blog.